The Death Records Collection has been updated. in addition to adding several new records to the collection I have increased the amount of extracted information that is displayed on the page. Previously only the basics had been extracted, now the information extracted includes (if known) the spouse, father, mother, cause of death and birthplace. The purpose for the increase of extracted information is twofold. First some of the certificates are hard to read. Second I am about to implement a site side search engine, which will key on this extracted information and hopefully help you find what you are looking for more quickly.
Remember though that the information on the Death Cerificate is NOT what we may already know of this person, rather is it what the informant gave the doctor, therefore the information is only as good as the informant. I still have over 100 certificates to add, so I will be getting to them as I have time available. If you have Death (or any other ) certificates or documents that you would like to conribute, do not hesitate to send them to me.