Well, I have put it off as long as I could. Following the publishing of "The Capertons" I took a step back from genealogy, to kind of recharge my batteries. As you undoubtedly noticed there have not been many updates to the site. There were several reasons for this. In no particular order, The Content Management System (CMS) that runs the website is going thru a major upgrade; some of the apps I use to run the site have been abandoned; there is a major update to PHP which is the code that runs the CMS. I was burned out from the production and distrubution of the book. So now I am back to face the music! In Detail:

 CMS Update

Joomla! the CMS used to operate the website is moving from version 3.x to 4.x with 3.x being discontinued next year. Past major updates have resulted in a significant amount of work to move over so I have been putting this off, however I am now getting ready to take the plunge.

The major complication is that the App that we have used for nearly 10 years to serve up the different collection listings is being abandoned by the developer. I had hoped he would continue development but it looks like that will not be the case. The good news is I believe I have found a replacement App, However it will require a major reworking of the part of the website that is used to serve the collections and it will take a considerable amount of time. A smaller but no less annoying complication is that the App we use for the family trees that JUST went back online is not ready for Joomla! 4 so they will need to come off the website again...

Now for some good news. I have continued to add source records to the society collection and there are now nearly 1000 records that need to be uploaded to the website. Additionally work has continued to attach both a BMC and a DLC number to each record. These numbers refer to the Henry reference number found in the books by both Bernard Caperton "The Caperton Family" and Donald Caperton "The Capertons". So once we are back online the site should be much more friendly to use!

Stay tuned for more!