Well, it has begun. I started the weekend of 6/10/2023 to upgrade the site. As previously mentioned this is a pretty major upgrade.The Content Management System (CMS) I use to run the site is ending support on version 3 this August so I have put this off as long as I could! The good news is I have finished migrating the site onto version 4. The not so good news is I am still chasing bugs and broken links. You may notice that not all of the Collections are available. The major set of collections missing is the

 UK collections although I am still working to get some of the Census and War collections back on line as well. I have also been able to get the registration page working again, special thanks to Jamie for patiently and repeatedly trying to register until I got it sorted! I also have just finished republishing the Forum, and would REALLY appreciate it if it were used more than it is!!! Unfortunately I had to take the family trees down again as the App used to serve that is not compatible with the v4 of the CMS. At this point I do not see them coming back on line, though I do have some ideas on alternatives. Stay tuned! Moving forward I will continue to get the collections back online though that will take a while. The original software I used to serve up the listings also had to be changed, which is no small task. I do still have over 1000 source records to push up to the site in addition to upgrading the quality of some of the early images I pushed up back in 2002. And yes, the site has been up since August 2002, which means the site has been up over 20 years. Just a note, with software licenses, research subscriptions, hosting etc. it costs around $1000 a year to maintain the Society site, so I will let you do the math!