
It seems every family name has a coat of arms and the Caperton name is no different. There are however rules as to how and who may use a specific coat of arms. So while today you can order a Coat of Arms from numerous sources, it is important to know that even if it is the "True" Caperton Coat of Arms, you probably are not entitled to it, as only the first sons of the first sons of the recipient of a Coat of Arms are permitted to bear their ancestors arms. There is however, nothing to stop a Caperton from having their own Coat of Arms created.

One version of the Caperton Coat of Arms which I have a copy of, has been described thus:
"Gu.; on a mount vert a rose badge ppr. stemmed and leaved vert, crowned or., charged in the center with a cross gu."

This is interpreted as:
The Caperton Coat of Arms is red with a naturally colord English rose badge with a green stem and leaves and gold crown, the flower charged with a red cross of St. George, symbolic of England, the whole supported by a green mount.

So, where did this Coat of Arms come from?
That is a bit murky. This one was originally described in a Halberts publication. Halberts was a company that produced ready made family histories with little regard for accuracy. They do not say in the publication where they obtained the Coat of Arms from. It would be interesting to find out how and to who the original Coat of Arms was issued.

If you have a Caperton Coat of Arms and want to send me a copy of it, I will place it on the site as well.