Ok, well I have finally given in. I have been asked occasionally over the 20+ years I have managed this website about the opportunity to donate to its maintenance. I have always said thanks but I have it covered. At the start, White Rose Web Design graciously covered the expense of web hosting as well as design maintenance. Additionally, in the early days of Joomla! virtually everything was free. Joomla! itself, all of the components and even support. Well, 20 years later while Joomla! remains free, White Rose Web Design no longer hosts, the components are now called Apps and everyone charges for everything.
Research has also gone up. In the beginning, You could order microfilms from the Family History Center for a nominal amount, and research copies were .10 a page. Then www.familysearch.org came online and more and more records were available online at no charge. At some point big business figured out they could make a fortune on those reseaching their family history, and now subscriptions are mandatory for everything. An Annual subsccription to Ancesty costs $300/year and that does not include newspapers.com, fold3.com, myheritage.com etc.
So today between subscriptions and software costs, it takes a little over $1000.00 per year to maintain (and no, I make no money off the books I sell, they are priced to break even). Therefore I have made the decision to add a Donate button to the website. IF you want to help support what I hope you have enjoyed for over 20 years, please click the Donate button on this page, and enter any amount you would like! And thank you so much!!!