
Caperton Society Projects

The Projects listed below Are the two current projects supported by the Society. If you would like to Join in either of these projects or would like The Caperton Society to consider a new project please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DNA Project

The DNA Project was initiated at the request and effort of long time Caperton.info supporter Marcia Behnke. The Mission of the DNA Project is two-fold. First to identify the common ancestors of the 8 children of John and Polly Caperton. Second to reach out to Caperton's and their descendant in England in an effort to link US Capertons to UK Capertons. FTDNA is the DNA Laboratory being used. Join this project for a discount from their regular prices. Click button below will take you to the DNA project pages.


Transcription Project

The Transcription Project was initiated in 2011 due to the large volume of legal documents discovered relating to Caperton's. The Mission of the Transcription Project is to transcribe source records and display the source and the transcription on the Society Website. Click button below will take you to the Transcription Project pages.
