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Welcome to The Caperton Society Registration!

You do not need to register to view most of The Caperton Society Website. Feel free to wander around the website.

As a Guest you have access to most areas of the site with the following restrictions:

  1. You will not have access to The Family Tree Page
  2. You May Visit the Forums but they would be read only
  3. You may read my Blog but would be unable to comment

Once you register you would have access to:

  1. The Family Tree page
  2. The ability to reply and post topics on the forums
  3. Ability to upload family information
  4. Ability to upload Photos
  5. Comment on Blog
  6. Receive The Caperton Society Newsletter
  7. Upload Gedcoms for inclusion into the site
  8. Gain Greater access to the DNA Project

Best of all, registration is free! simply fill out the requested information below. Be sure to use an email address you check regularly so you can respond to the verification emails you receive

Required field | Field visible on your profile | Field not visible on profile

Once you click on Register you will receive an email requesting you verify your email address. Once you complete that process I will review your registration and once approved you will be notified via email.