Web Site Updates
The Society Website was in desperate need of some love! The The Content Management System (Joomla!) underwent a significant upgrade, then the software I use to generate the tables within Joomla! required updating and since there was no direct upgrade pathway, each of the tables needed to be rebuilt. Since I was rebuilding them I took the opportunity to also improve the quality of the source images and the way they are presented on the web. While the quality is considerably better, this did take quite a bit of time and I am still working thru a couple of the collections.
New Collection Additions + PDFs
I have added a fair number of source images to the website, nearly 80 new marriage records, 20 new birth records, I have completely reworked the Passports collection, as well as the Newspaper Clippings collection. There are now over 2500 source images online! I have also added the ability to generate a PDF report of the record detail as well as an image of the source record to some of the collections. Check out US Marriages, US Births and US deaths. I have also added Thumbnails back onto the page rather than the Green Button. Right now the thumbnail is actually the image at maximum resolution. However I am working to rebuild actual thumbnails which should speed up the pages considerably!
BMC and DLC Henry Numbers
I have gone thru most of the collection databases and added the Henry number from both Bernard's book as well as my own. This was a surprising amount of work. Moving forward as more source records are from individuals not found in Bernards book, I will probably delist the BMC Henry numbers and only show the DLC Henry numbers. It is simply too much work for one person to maintain both sets of numbers.